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Local contacts

France: +33 (0)1 53 43 87 00 (9am - 6pm)
Luxembourg: +352 47 93 11 1 (8:30am - 5:30pm)
Monaco: +377 97 97 58 00 (9/12am - 2/5pm)
Switzerland: Geneva +41 22 819 02 02
& Zurich +41 44 218 56 11 (8:30am - 5:30pm)

You would like to contact us about the protection of your personal data?

Please contact the Data Protection Officer of Societe Generale Private Banking France by sending an email to the following address:

Please contact the Data Protection Officer of Societe Generale Luxembourg by sending an email to the following address:

For customers residing in Italy, please contact BDO, the external provider in charge of Data Protection, by sending an email to the following address:

Please contact the Data Protection Officer of Societe Generale Private Banking Monaco by sending an email to the following address:

Please contact the Data Protection Officer of Societe Generale Private Banking Switzerland by sending an email to the following address :

You need to make a claim?

Societe Generale Private Banking aims to provide you with the best possible quality of service. However, difficulties may sometimes arise in the operation of your account or in the use of the services made available to you.

Your private banker  is your privileged contact to receive and process your claim.

 If you disagree with or do not get a response from your advisor, you can send your claim to the direction  of Societe Generale Private Banking France by email to the following address: or by mail to: 

Société Générale Private Banking France
29 boulevard Haussmann CS 614
75421 Paris Cedex 9

Societe Generale Private Banking France undertakes to acknowledge receipt of your claim within 10 (ten) working days from the date it is sent and to provide you with a response within 2 (two) months from the same date. If we are unable to meet this 2 (two) month deadline, you will be informed by letter.

In the event of disagreement with the bank  or of a lack of response from us within 2 (two) months of sending your first written claim, or within 15 (fifteen) working days for a claim about a payment service, you may refer the matter free of charge, depending on the nature of your claim, to:  


The Consumer Ombudsman at the FBF

The Consumer Ombudsman at the Fédération Bancaire Française (FBF – French Banking Federation) is competent for disputes relating to services provided and contracts concluded in the field of banking operations (e.g. management of deposit accounts, credit operations, payment services etc.), investment services, financial instruments and savings products, as well as the marketing of insurance contracts.

The FBF Ombudsman will reply directly to you within 90 (ninety) days from the date on which she/he receives all the documents on which the request is based. In the event of a complex dispute, this period may be extended. The FBF Ombudsman will formulate a reasoned position and submit it to both parties for approval.

The FBF Ombudsman can be contacted on the following website: or by mail at:

Le Médiateur de la Fédération Bancaire Française
CS 151
75422 Paris CEDEX 09


The Ombudsman of the AMF

The Ombudsman of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF - French Financial Markets Authority) is also competent for disputes relating to investment services, financial instruments and financial savings products.

For this type of dispute, as a consumer customer, you have therefore a choice between the FBF Ombudsman and the AMF Ombudsman. Once you have chosen one of these two ombudsmen, you can no longer refer the same dispute to the other ombudsman.

The AMF Ombudsman can be contacted on the AMF website: or by mail at:

Médiateur de l'AMF, Autorité des Marchés Financiers
17 place de la Bourse
75082 PARIS CEDEX 02

The Insurance Ombudsman

The Insurance Ombudsman is competent for disputes concerning the subscription, application or interpretation of insurance contracts.

The Insurance Ombudsman can be contacted using the contact details that must be mentioned in your insurance contract.

To ensure that your requests are handled effectively, any claim addressed to Societe Generale Luxembourg should be sent to:

Private banking Claims department
11, Avenue Emile Reuter
L-2420 Luxembourg

Or by email to and for customers residing in Italy at

The Bank will acknowledge your request within 10 working days and provide a response to your claim within 30 working days of receipt. If your request requires additional processing time (e.g. if it involves complex research), the Bank will inform you of this situation within the same 30-working day timeframe.

In the event that the response you receive does not meet your expectations, we suggest the following:

Initially, you may wish to contact the Societe Generale Luxembourg Division responsible for handling claims, at the following address:

Corporate Secretariat of Societe Generale Luxembourg
11, Avenue Emile Reuter
L-2420 Luxembourg

If the response from the Division responsible for claims does not resolve the claim, you may wish to contact Societe Generale Luxembourg's supervisory authority, the “Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier”/“CSSF” (Luxembourg Financial Sector Supervisory Commission):

By mail: 283, Route d’Arlon L-1150 Luxembourg
By email:

Any claim addressed to Societe Generale Private Banking Monaco should be sent by e-mail to the following address: or by mail to our dedicated department: 

Societe Generale Private Banking Monaco
Middle Office – Service Réclamation 
11 avenue de Grande Bretagne
98000 Monaco

The Bank will acknowledge your request within 2 working days after receipt and provide a response to your claim within a maximum of 30 working days of receipt. If your request requires additional processing time (e.g. if it involves complex researches…), the Bank will inform you of this situation within the same 30-working day timeframe. 

In the event that the response you receive does not meet your expectations, we suggest to contact the Societe Generale Private Banking Direction that handles the claims by mail at the following address: 

Societe Generale Private Banking Monaco
Secrétariat Général
11 avenue de Grande Bretagne 
98000 Monaco

Any claim addressed to the Bank can be sent by email to:

Clients may also contact the Swiss Banking Ombudsman:


Weekly Update - Back to Trade War?

Trump’s rhetoric regarding China has hardened in recent weeks as the US has emerged as the epicentre of the pandemic, with 1.3 million confirmed cases leading to 70,000 deaths, by far the heaviest toll thus far. The total number of active cases (after accounting for deaths and recoveries) continues to rise, reaching 1.0 million on May 7. In reaction, the President stated recently that tariffs would be the “ultimate punishment” for any Chinese misdeeds and calling on China to respect the terms of the trade deal – “now they have to buy […] and if they don’t […], we’ll terminate the deal”.
The phase one trade deal signed in mid-January included a number of commitments by China to step up imports from the US – by at least $200bn over the next two years, compared to total imports of $186bn in 2017, before the trade war began. In exchange, the US suspended planned tariffs on $160bn worth of goods and cut those on a further $120bn from 15% to 7.5%, leaving the 25% tariffs on the remaining $250bn in place. As shown on the left-hand chart, Q1 Chinese imports from the US have fallen quite a way short of the 2020 target so far, perhaps not unsurprising given the slump in global trade caused by coronavirus lockdowns.
On May 7, the US Treasury Secretary and Trade representative held a conference call with China’s Vice-Premier to discuss progress so far. Reassuringly, their joint statement stated that they fully expect to meet their obligations under the deal. However, bilateral relations are likely to remain tense – President Trump appears to want a scapegoat to deflect any criticism of his handling of the pandemic; a hard line on China is one of the few areas of agreement between Republicans and Democrats at present; and likely Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden has criticised Donald Trump of being weak on China as we head towards November’s presidential election.
Will heightened tensions reignite the trade war? To answer the question, we should consider each side’s position. For President XI, the paramount objective is likely to be ensuring that China’s rapid rise to global pre-eminence continues. For that, he needs broad support from the population, and for that he needs to continue to provide new jobs to encourage migration from the countryside to cities. This suggests China will seek to avoid initiatives which might imperil its economic strength. Moreover, Beijing is likely to seek to keep the renminbi at stable but competitive levels, close to its current 7.08 to $1.
For President Trump, the key objective will be re-election in six months’ time. He has long viewed his chances in terms of economic strength and stock market prices. Today’s severe recession is unlikely to be recovered in time to boost his prospects but he can seek to minimise its duration, which would probably be extended by an all-out trade war. Given these elements, we believe that his rhetoric is likely to remain aggressive but that he would have little to gain by relaunching the trade war.


Bottom line. Trade war tensions are set to remain high but unlikely to lead to new tariffs or sanctions ahead of the presidential elections. However, the global economy remains mired in a deep recession which will continue to weigh on corporate profits and credit quality throughout this year. Volatility levels should remain above the averages of recent years.

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Head of Investment Strategy Societe Generale Private Banking